My Name Is Lucky

You could say I'm a rescue dog. One snowy cold Sunday in January I was wandering around in the bush all alone and not really sure how I got there or how I was gonna get home. Then this big red truck came along and stopped. A man got out and he looked nice enough so I sat at his feet hoping he would help. Well I guess I must've looked cute enough cos he let me get in his truck and said he would take care of me. So began a new chapter in my life.

Friday 5 April 2013

My First Camp Trip Part II

After the longest walk I ever did we arrived at this 'new' home.  Seemed like it either belonged to us or someone we knew cos we all just walked it and dad started bringing all the food and stuff in.  Mom started playing this new game of hide the rubbish and bits of wood in this big black box thing, I've no idea how she had the energy to start playing a new game but she did.  Anyhow she must've decided she'd had enough cos all of a sudden she lit a long match, set fire to it all and shut the door on the box!

I was busy sniffing around, the floor was cold and slippery... so cold the snow that came off our paws and feet stayed like snow on the floor!  Mom did a lot of cursing cos she said she nearly did the splits...not sure what they are I just saw her scoot along the kitchen waving her arms about!  I just thought it was another new game she wanted to play.  Next she went in to a room and came back with a pile of blankets and made me a bed in front of the box thing that was now well on fire inside and it was starting to get nice and warm.

It was nice there, we went outside and played in the snow.  I watched while they pulled the snowmobile out of the snow bank... there was a lot of huffing and puffing!  At night we had nice suppers and treats, mom kept putting even more wood in that box thing and it roared and crackled and got very hot.  I tried to get a good look but mom and dad got a bit ansty about that and said I would have a very sore nose...they said something about a vet too so I figured maybe I should listen.

After two days this man arrived on another snow mobile.  I'd seen him before at our house.  Mom fed him lots of food and then we packed everything up again and mom and I had to sit on this sled thing behind the man's snow machine.  Wow!  that was different!  Bits of snow flying everywhere and mom held on to me real tight...I guess she was scared or something!  I wasn't really sure if I liked it...I admit I did whimper a bit but mom said that was ok cos she said she screamed her head off all the way to the car when she was on dad's snow mobile.  I guess after that dad must've have fixed her or something cos her head seemed to be well stuck on now!  He must be so clever cos I had a good look and you can't even see where he stuck it back on!

Anyhow next thing I know we are back at the truck and we all get in that and come home.  We haven't been back there since but mom says when all the snow is gone we can go again!  She says there is a lake there and I can learn to swim!  She says she used to swim in the sea with Jake and now we can swim together.... I wonder what a lake is?  And what is this swimming thing?  I wonder if I get it right I'll get treats?  Usually if I learn something new I get really good treats, and now when I learn stuff that mom says is harder for me to get she gives me really special ones she made herself with REAL liver!

Oh and they say I have a very important job to do...I have to tell them when there's a bear around and make sure it doesn't get them, 'specially mom cos she's a scaredy cat!  Jeez I do hope not to many come around cos I'm not very big and I was sorta assuming that mom and dad where supposed to look after ME!


  1. this is funny! Love it. Lucky has wonderful sense of humour!

  2. Very nicely written-have you ever thought about writing a childrens' story about Lucky!
