My Name Is Lucky

You could say I'm a rescue dog. One snowy cold Sunday in January I was wandering around in the bush all alone and not really sure how I got there or how I was gonna get home. Then this big red truck came along and stopped. A man got out and he looked nice enough so I sat at his feet hoping he would help. Well I guess I must've looked cute enough cos he let me get in his truck and said he would take care of me. So began a new chapter in my life.

Saturday 13 April 2013

My Uneventful Week!

Well nothin' much happened this week.  Unless you count my new dad disappearing for nearly a WHOLE WEEK!  At first I didn't notice, mom carried on like nothing happened and I got my walks.  But after two nights I started to worry a bit even though mom still carried on like it was normal!  I decided I better sleep by the kitchen door and keep one eye open just in case he came home.  On Wednesday mom went out for a little while...I knew she would be gone for a bit because she left me in the kitchen with my Kong stuffed full of treats and peanut butter!  That's my treat for when I have to be on my own for a while.  Well this time it got me into a bit of bother.  You see I discovered a few weeks ago that if you throw the kong hard on the floor it bounces and when it does some of the treats inside fly out!  It makes a jolly good game and I also get my treats out much quicker than simply chewing the toy and sticking my tongue in it!  I think dogs that do that are not as smart as me!  Anyhow that day I threw it down the steps real hard and it bounced...but it bounced underneath the stairs and went through a hole in the wall.  Well I tried so hard to get it back!  I scratched and pulled and all this itchy pink fluff came out and right in the middle was my kong still full of treats!  I tried to get it with my mouth but the pink stuff made my lips real itchy and I really didn't like it.  So then I scrabbled with my paws and I got it but all the nasty itchy stuff was stuck to it.  It was so yukky I left it till mom came back.  Mom was just so worried when she got back and saw what I did, she said I was very good not to eat it cos it would have made me real sick.
Itchy Pink Stuff
So now mom has gotten rid of it all and she has made it so my toys can't get lost again by accident!  I guess it must be really bad stuff cos mom even phoned my friend Rachael, she's a nice lady that comes to look after me sometimes and she's a Veterinary Assistant which is a bit like my dad being a nurse but she knows all about animals.  Rachael agreed that I had been very good, and very lucky not to get sick.  Well the day after that my dad came back!  Oh my goodness I was so pleased to see him!  I gave him my bone and fetched him all my toys and he put his pj's on... we snuggled lots.  I think he was just as pleased to see me as I was to see him!  I learned a lot this week.  I learned that sometimes Mom and Dad have to leave me but that they will always come back and I learned that sometimes if things are itchy or yukky I should leave them alone!
Me 'n' my dad having snuggles
 Well I'm going to go see what mom is doing...somethin' smells real good in the kitchen, I think she is making my favorite Liver Cake.  She says that stuff is amazing cos it makes me do all sorts of clever stuff, if you come back tomorrow I will tell you how to make it then you can make it for your bestest doggie friend too!

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