My Name Is Lucky

You could say I'm a rescue dog. One snowy cold Sunday in January I was wandering around in the bush all alone and not really sure how I got there or how I was gonna get home. Then this big red truck came along and stopped. A man got out and he looked nice enough so I sat at his feet hoping he would help. Well I guess I must've looked cute enough cos he let me get in his truck and said he would take care of me. So began a new chapter in my life.

Friday 19 April 2013

Snow Day!

Today me 'n' my folks are having a snow day.  Mom and Dad both finished work yesterday for the weekend and the storm had already started!  Mom didn't feel so good and it was real cold outside so I made do with running around the yard a few times instead of my usual long walk.  I didn't mind too much even though I really like snow I figured Mom takes me every morning and every evening so if she was feelin' poorly it wouldn't hurt to miss a walk just this once.  So mom went to bed and I kept Dad company, we watched some TV, ate some cookies... you know, boy's stuff.
Me watching the shoveling!

Anyhow this morning mom got up and said she felt much better.  I was allowed to go outside on my long leash and watch them shovel snow ... Oh my gosh it took like FOREVER!  I figured if I helped out then we would get it done so much quicker.
Me helping to dig the snow
Me digging more snow!

Well, guess what?  It worked!  With a bit of digging here and a bit of digging there we got it done in no time and then they took me for a walk!  The wind was howling and it was real slippery under all that snow... poor dad landed on his butt one time!  After that we came home and mom made my favorite liver cake to put in the freezer for next week!

Me 'n' dad going for a nice walk!

1 comment:

  1. at least somebody likes this snow. Lucky Dog we make Northener out of you yet, good dog!!~
