Lucky's Yummy Liver Cake Treats |
The treats helped me to learn lots of things already, like when I picked up something yukky in the street I could swap it for one. Soon I figured out that if I didn't pick up a yukky thing but walked straight past it I would get a treat AND a big fuss! I learned that if I walk nicely and sit down when we stop moving I get the same thing! Sometimes when I do these things now I don't always get a treat but I always get a fuss made. I still do it though cos you never know when you might get one. I also learned that when I am off the leash and mom calls me I'll get one too, if I walk past another dog nicely that also gets me one! Boy oh boy I love learnin' all this stuff cos these treats are really yummy!
So just for you I snuck a look at the recipe...if you copy it down and leave it on the floor somewhere maybe your human parents will make you some too...but remember even if they make it you still have to earn it!
Me doing a bit of 'quality control' Mmmm, yum! |
Lucky's Extra Yummy Liver Cake
1lb raw liver chopped up
4 whole eggs (mum usually breaks the eggs into the blender and then crushes the shells real well with a rolling pin before adding them too)
8oz wholewheat flour
put the chopped liver and eggs in a blender and blend until it looks like a smoothie
put the flour in a bowl (mom uses her kitchen aid here) and then mix the smoothie into the flour.
Line a 13 x 8 baking tin with baking parchment and pour the 'cake' mix in and spread it level.
Bake for around 30 minutes at 350 F.
When set remove from tin and cut into small pieces, cool completely and store in the freezer until needed. They will last in the fridge for 2-3 days.
ok, so now I am hungry too. Lucky, Lucky Dog!