My Name Is Lucky

You could say I'm a rescue dog. One snowy cold Sunday in January I was wandering around in the bush all alone and not really sure how I got there or how I was gonna get home. Then this big red truck came along and stopped. A man got out and he looked nice enough so I sat at his feet hoping he would help. Well I guess I must've looked cute enough cos he let me get in his truck and said he would take care of me. So began a new chapter in my life.

Friday 22 March 2013

Sunday 27th January

Well like I say, there I was all alone sitting in the snow wondering what to do next.  I mean how's a dog supposed to know how to get back home, I was just a pup!  But luckily this man appeared in his big red truck.  He seemed nice and he let me get in his truck.  He wandered up and down for a bit.  then we drove around in this big circle like he was looking for something or someone.  He took me back where he found me and he walked about a bit more.  I thought maybe he was gonna leave me there, but nah!  He got back in and gave me a friendly rub on the head and said "Well I guess you better come home with me then pup".

It was a bit of a drive back and I sat there real good on the back seat.  We pulled up at his house and he went inside.  After a minute he came out again with this lady...oh my did she make a fuss of me!  They took me inside and used that phone thingy to talk to some people about me. Then the man disappeared and came back with food and toys!

So I stayed a few days, I made sure I behaved real good and I did all the cute things I could think of.  Well I must've done good cause from then on it seemed they 'adopted' me!  Not sure exactly what that means...but I kinda think I have a new mom and dad now cos I don't seem to be goin' anywhere else.  And that kinda suits me.  They are both a bit barmy, especially the lady.  She talks away to me all day long and sometimes she plays these really daft hiding behind the bathroom door and then jumping out saying "boo!" First time she did that I fair nearly jumped out of my skin.  But then she laughed and made a big fuss of giving me a hug so I knew she was only playin'.  Now I wait just outside the door and then jump on her...keeps her amused anyhow!  One time she left me with this nice lady, while she went shopping she said.  Oh boy she was gone for three whole days, that lady can sure shop!  Anyhow I didn't mind.  The lady that looked after me was ace and when my new mom and dad got back they shared their 'shopping' with me!  I got a new bed, a new leash, more toys and my own proper bowls to eat and drink from instead of the picnic bowls they used cos that was all they had to hand.
Me waiting to jump on Mom!

Well my paws are tired from this typing stuff so I'm gonna sign off for now.  Come back tomorrow when I've had a sleep and a good chew on my bone and I will tell you about my first camping trip!

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